Gentle Reader, Thank You
I wrote my first blog post on May 9th, 2015.
It was a letter to my son Jack on his eighth birthday.
Since then, I have written every single Monday – nearly 500 new essays.
Many of you have been reading about our journey for over a decade – the highs and lows of autism, marriage, motherhood, and family.
You’ve shared our most tender moments. Meltdowns in the barber shop, trouble with friendship, our experiences with severe anxiety and medication. Most recently, the fractured relationship with my own mother.
I’m excited to announce I’m moving my blog to a platform called Substack. I’m calling it Storytelling:Storyliving.
For the most part, the page will look the same. The content won’t change and there is nothing you need to do to continue reading. Every Monday, you’ll receive a new blog post in your inbox, with a relevant story written in real time exploring grief, joy, and the messiness of ordinary life.
The commenting section on Substack is more streamlined and it gives us the chance to interact with one another more.
In addition to the free content, you’ll have the option to subscribe to my resource-based page. Every week I choose a new topic and provide articles, videos, and links to websites. For $5.99 a month, you will receive one written piece and one video a week.
So far, I’ve covered how to research a college program for a neurodiverse student (with links to specific programs), autism and travel, and how to navigate the IEP table.
Thank you, gentle reader, for seeing a piece of yourself inside our story for all of these years.
Thank you for holding this boy Jack so close to your hearts as he begins to stretch his wings and take flight. It has been dazzling, to say this least.
Mostly, thank you for rooting for us on the days when we couldn’t even root for ourselves.
All we have is each other.
Scott Wilcox
April 7, 2024 @ 1:39 am
Dear Carrie, the journey we have traveled with you has been full of love. Thank you. God bless us, every one.
Mary Bishop
April 12, 2024 @ 10:37 pm
Thank you for sharing your journey. It opened my eyes and mind to the lives of families dealing with autism and the beauty of the mind and heart of your son. I admire you all and pray that your hopes for the future will be fulfilled.