1. Maggie B
    August 15, 2022 @ 10:14 am

    He is already doing great things! I remember when I first started reading your blog many years ago, I wasn’t sure how your family’s story was going to turn out. It seems as though all the love and perseverance (and oreos and avocados) has enabled Jack to spread his wings.


  2. Kimberly Moeller
    August 15, 2022 @ 11:28 am

    Very fine blog post. It says so much of what we live as well. Great to hear it articulated. Best of luck to your son.


    August 15, 2022 @ 11:45 am

    Jack is very determined, and you and your family are extremely dedicated to him, Carrie. My wife left my daughter and me when she was 7. She is now 37 and I’m still trying very hard. She has turned into a beautiful, loving little girl in a woman’s body. The challenges continue. But I will never give up.


  4. Susie
    August 15, 2022 @ 1:36 pm

    Some people don’t want to know, some simply don’t get it, but the others are gems. Thank you for the message you often give about the importance of storytelling as I was so paralysed with fear, exhaustion and loneliness at one point and you were so right about not trying to bluff it but be as honest as possible. It’s not about apologising for your child being different but explains them so much better which allows the good people to understand and help them better.


  5. Susie
    August 22, 2022 @ 4:38 am

    I would love to see the sceptics deal with a child who freaks out about wind/rain/floods, is unable to socialise with their peers, refuses school or needs a lot of support to function at school, has chronic anxiety, struggles to get to sleep or stay asleep, is developmentally delayed, has low muscle tone and hyper-mobility issues to overcome – all with no support or understanding. So easy to preach from the parenting ivory tower. These people have no clue and would crumble within a week. (Sorry, bad morning). One foot in front of the other…


  6. Emma Jefferson
    August 25, 2022 @ 8:47 am

    I stumbled onto your blog while looking for tips on how to calm a stimming autistic teen in class because of the constant notes about “he is constantly out of his seat”. My great grandson is mainstreamed in a public school, 7th grade and 13 years old. He is as happy as a clam to be with peers, though I’m not sure he is getting all that he needs academically. However, reading about Jack this morning has really given me a very peaceful insight. I felt like I was reading about my very own special Calvin. I can’t thank you enough for sharing.


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