1. BronxMom28
    February 7, 2022 @ 11:39 am

    Oh, Carrie, we are also deep in these waters trying desperately not to drown. Trying to balance the pros and cons of guardianship while administering the “Home Alone” test of whether or not our son would be able to take care of himself if neither I nor my husband were around, and how long he might possibly be able manage by himself before medical and financial matters overwhelmed him and got ignored to the point of becoming problematic.
    I’ve been told that guardianship is a piece of paper that makes it easier to keep things moving forward. I see it as a way to have more time to teach our kids the things they need to know to be more independent (whatever that looks like for them), and to help them become stronger and more confident in their self advocacy. Age 18 as adulthood is a social construct, just as marriage is a social construct, and it’s not one size fits all.
    We have started mentioning the idea of guardianship to our 16-year-old as a way to help him — that it can allow to make things that are hard for him easier. It’s painful that our kids have to tell others, in a formal setting, that life is hard for them. I guess the best we can do is just be thankful that we are here to be able to help them at this point, and hopefully for as long as they need it.
    Sending a hug from NYC!


  2. Susie
    February 7, 2022 @ 1:13 pm

    My mom is sadly long gone, but I can assure you that in time your children will appreciate and fondly remember those meals you made for them. Those memories keep me going when I think I can’t handle another meal time gamble!


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