1. Cathy Meeker
    January 31, 2022 @ 12:01 pm

    We don’t have the television type of autism either. Sounds like we don’t have any better services past 18 here in Illinois unfortunately. I’m hanging on your every word because you’re telling our story. We’re a few years behind and you’re helping us to know what’s ahead. You have a platform that can draw attention to this void of academic resources for our kids. I’m praying for Jack to get an acceptance notice and for it to be a positive experience for him. I’m also praying that we will gain some knowledge on how to go about all of this when the time comes. Also, that we’ll know when it’s right to let go and not be burdened with fear as our children gain independence and confidence.


  2. Jennifer S.
    January 31, 2022 @ 12:39 pm

    I know California is a looooong way from New Hampshire, but there is a program for adults on the spectrum that feeds into both UC Berkley and CSU Monterey. We are considering Monterey for our son, and we have a friend whose son participated in the Monterey program as well. I so enjoy your weekly posts… thank you for being a voice for our children, and for the parents, too!


  3. Janet anderson
    January 31, 2022 @ 2:11 pm

    I wish I had the answer for you, but I don’t, My daughter is in the same place, no help for the young adult. You have gone above and beyond for info and still searching. May you all in your search for answers never give up. These are your children, it breaks my heart as a grandmother, to watch families like yours and mine have no place to turn to. God bless all of u. I pray everyday.


  4. Kai
    January 31, 2022 @ 2:30 pm

    Though none of us reading your blog will be able to affect Jack’s journey and college placements, I can assure you that we are standing by your side through this story, hard, scary, yet also funny and beautiful. He’ll find his place.


  5. Teri
    February 2, 2022 @ 4:49 pm

    I can relate to the paper cuts analogy.
    I can relate to the thought he may never function in society.
    I’m happy to hear your son has a job. It’s a step in the right direction.
    We are still hoping our son finds a suitable job. Even with a college degree, he is floundering.
    My son loves music. He is super talented and can sing with the most angelic voice. He has to find his own way.
    I can’t make this better.

    Stay strong and never give up hope.



  6. Autism Advocacy Network
    March 21, 2022 @ 7:21 pm

    I think they are talking about rain man the movie.


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