1. Patsy Marino
    January 24, 2022 @ 1:57 pm

    For several years I have read your blog as I too have a 17-year-old son with autism. I have referred your words and thoughts to many others as they struggle through the same types of things that you described. Today I want to take the time and write to you to reassure you that you are on the right track with your intuition to move Jack into the next phase of his life. Early on after my son was diagnosed at age 7, I received the excellent advice from the diagnosing psychologist that the best way to support our son was to firmly keep our foot on the gas pedal. What I mean by that is our kids have tremendous potential but also tremendous resistance. Their inertia is often stronger than our resolve. But what I have learned recently is that our kids have elastic brains through their early 20s and now is exactly the time when they can lay down new neuro pathways and continue to grow and change their behaviors to support a more independent life.

    Honor your instincts and keep your foot on the pedal. Jack will benefit and so will the rest of your family.


  2. JM
    January 24, 2022 @ 2:10 pm

    I found this book helpful. The Loving Push: How Parents and Professionals Can Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults Paperback – May 1, 2016
    by Temple Grandin Ph.D. (Author), Debra Moore Ph.D. (Author)


  3. Janet Anderson
    January 24, 2022 @ 8:19 pm

    I will buy and read the book. My grandson is 22 now. College did not work. He is high functioning, but cannot hold down a job. He has had numerous simple positions even with a job coach but with no luck. Low motivation, and lack of time management. Quits each position himself. My daughter (his mother) a speech pathologist also shares the frustrations, the ups and downs like all of u. He is a wonderful young man despite this terrible life of autism. God bless all of you.


  4. Susie
    January 27, 2022 @ 5:17 am

    It is so hard when you know your child isn’t seen or appreciated by the world in the way you know them. The complexities of that fight are beyond words. It isn’t all peaches and cream but I don’t have to try with my neurological child, the world’s understanding of him just naturally unfolds. You have raised a great man and I’m sure chances will come when you least expect. I hope Jack finds the right program.


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