1. Just The Two Of Us
    November 29, 2021 @ 10:36 am

    That was beautiful💜. It’s how I feel about my daughter, who is 11 and is Autistic. I’m sharing this with my other Autism Moms❤


  2. Suz
    November 29, 2021 @ 3:56 pm

    I know if compassion is a house you build, then storytelling is the key to the front door. It is the entrance to the rooms and the hallway and the kitchen.

    ^This is perfect. It is so easy to keep the feelings to yourself out of fear of more hurt but it’s the only way to show people who you are and tell your story. Took me so long to figure out because it felt so scary and easier to delude myself that being quiet is a form of protection because some don’t want to know. Being vulnerable and open is hard but essential. Sorts the wheat from the chaff as well. Beautiful writing.


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