1. Jeffry Spahr
    June 14, 2021 @ 9:50 am

    My son is named Jack. He is 20. He is at a special school where he is to learn ADL’s and independence and job readiness. My daughter is 22. She is in grad school to become a school psychologist. She has a 4.0. My son has a B- in stuff. She bought her own Volvo with money she made working in addition to school. We bought our son an electric bike. He wants to be a video streamer. I would have loved to play professional sports. It didn’t happen. I am proud of all I have done for him. I am sorry I did so much. I don’t think his wings are strong enough to fly by himself. Maybe I carried him too much. I cannot love him too much though.


  2. Kathy Janessa
    June 14, 2021 @ 12:19 pm

    Carrie, your posts are always spot on and I feel you are writing through my daughter and her family. Such deep devotion and love to these special children. That will never change even with so many challenges. Thank you for your inspiration.


  3. Janet Anderson ( grandmother)
    June 14, 2021 @ 12:32 pm

    My grandson is 22 at home unable to hold a simple job because of anxiety, focus and motivation. Aspires to be a comic film director and artist. A sweet, kind wonderful human being. Understands what the word autism means and lacks any self esteem. Very little support or info in this field of mental health. Result, wish I knew! Loved by Family, but no answers, just hope and prayers for all that walk in these shoes. Jack I love u more then u will ever know, while never having met u.🙏


    June 14, 2021 @ 6:16 pm

    Our rewards are seen from our children, in the love and smiles they return to us, and when we are lucky enough, a sporadic hug or kiss. And from those children who have the ability to speak, a “Thank you.” And a realized special crown from our Lord.


  5. Mallory Pettiford-Jones
    August 20, 2021 @ 4:49 pm

    Carrie. I have missed reading your blog. The craziness of this past year has somehow made me forget to come here and read. Today, I found myself here. I’ve gone through week by week, crying and feeling along with you. These boys of yours. They remind me of my sons. Two very different boys, with so much love for one another. Thinking of you as your oldest goes off to college, and hoping the transition is easy on him, and the rest of you… especially his Jack. ❤️


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