1. Tabitha O'Connor
    July 10, 2017 @ 12:04 pm

    Thank you for being brave enough to confess. We struggled a long time on our own, but we now see a counselor when we need to. There’s no shame in seeking out an expert for help in any area of life. We go to a mechanic when our car is broken, a doctor when we have the flu, or a baker when we need a special cake. No one is an expert at everything. We are supposed to need each other, and that includes marriage counselors when the road gets a little too bumpy at home. God bless you!


  2. Kimybeee
    July 10, 2017 @ 12:39 pm

    Honesty is sooooooo refreshing!!

    I always try to be as honest as I can be about anxiety. When you start talking about it, the choir starts singing, somebody else just has to mention it first!!

    I don’t have the marital issues you talk about, my husband does lol. He worries about everything and he thinks I don’t worry at all. We rarely say a cross word to each other, but he is sensitive and I respect that he is that way and I use the right words and gestures as best I can to keep him from getting hurt.

    Every now and then one of us loses our $8!@. And we say our words and I get over it. And he stews and carries it with him. He knows he could use somebody to talk to. He has done it once, because of his work. I did it once too, but I didn’t see the point.

    My dad attempted suicide again in May. Talk about taboo! He is doing well, but he needs somebody to talk to and he doesn’t think so. I can’t make him go, his doctor can’t make him go. But he is better.

    We all have our stuff and we all deal with it differently!

    Good for you for putting it out there and starting the conversation.


  3. Jill Hawkins
    July 13, 2017 @ 11:50 am

    Thanks for your honesty and good for you for working on your marriage. It is hard work! But worth it. Our kids need us. For us it was about Junior Mints…..


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