1. Claudia
    June 12, 2017 @ 4:56 am



  2. lily cedar
    June 12, 2017 @ 5:58 am

    My daughter acts out. I’m come to realize it’s anxiety, huge amounts of anxiety. Things she doesn’t understand, things she will never understand, things she can’t control. The world is a scary place and even more so for my daughter not only can’t talk but also can’t understand sometimes. There are times though when she understands far more than we give her credit for. She is an enigma.


  3. Pam
    June 12, 2017 @ 6:08 am

    I’m so sorry, Carrie….sometimes things are just the way they are. In some ways we were “lucky” with our son (who is 32 now!) He never acted aggressively toward others. However, he bit himself, banged his head on the floor, pulled out his hair….all kinds of things to himself, but never toward others. He still does hurt himself, but again I’m lucky….I don’t have to deal with it anymore. He lives in a group home and the staff does a great job of helping him cope. Biting himself, banging his head, pulling out his hear, etc., still happen, though, from time to time. The one lucky thing– he has never pulled out any of his teeth!

    Good luck! I love reading your blogs, even though I am now the mother of an adult son with autism….your blogs bring back lots of memories. If it helps….Jack is a LOT higher functioning than our son ever was. So there IS HOPE!


  4. cbspira
    June 12, 2017 @ 6:49 am

    Your post really resonated with me. My daughter was invited to leave her 2yo playgroup because she was the biter.

    My son, though, is the one who we are allowing about now. He too has these flashes of intense rage that, as a 5yo, is not the source of too much permanent damage. I worry for the future…

    Interestingly enough, he too mostly uses his middle finger to point (when he can be bothered to point).


  5. Jeannie Prinsen
    June 14, 2017 @ 11:50 am

    Ah — “racist pig” is so perfectly logical in Jack’s mind. The world must make so little sense to our kids so much of the time. Thanks so much for sharing this glimpse into what it is like to be Jack, and for making yourself vulnerable to us and to everyone whose life Jack touches.


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