1. Jeannie Prinsen
    March 20, 2017 @ 10:16 am

    Hi Carrie – thanks again for a beautiful post. I know what you mean about the purest communication. My boy distills all of life down to the fundamental, concrete things: “Go to food bank.” “Walk to church.” “Sleep…breakfast…school.” “Garbage truck coming.” No hidden meanings, no abstract concepts, just the basics of living.


  2. kathy graves
    March 20, 2017 @ 10:21 am

    You do such a good job explaining autism, parenting, and putting the humanity into autism. My son with autism is 31, nonverbal, and an amazing individual with a consuming interest in glasses, keys, cards, and the whereabouts of his brothers. Thank you for the blog!


  3. J.M.
    March 20, 2017 @ 11:16 am

    2017 budget supporting the population with autism is dismal… make a call to help your NY friends improve support for those with Autism!
    Since Andrew Cuomo took office in 2011 the total state budget has increased by more than 20%, yet every program that directly serves people with autism and developmental disabilities has either remained frozen, suffered enormous cuts, or insignificant growth nowhere near keeping pace with exploding demand. This year’s budget is no different. At the same time the number of people diagnosed with autism in New York has grown at an annual rate of 10% to 15% ever since record keeping began.
    Right now the New York State legislature is slogging through the complicated process of piecing together the more than $150 billion dollar state budget. Please click on the Take Action link to send messages to your legislators in Albany today and let them know that you want them to create a New York State budget that stops the criminal neglect of people with autism and development disabilities.
    Please call your Assemblymember and State Senator and ask them politely to pass a budget as if people with autism and other developmental disabilities mattered: Below are some key talking points you can use. The names and contact information for your legislators based on your home address in our database should appear below:

    Sen. William J. Larkin, Jr.
    (518) 455-2770
    Asm. Frank Skartados
    (518) 455-5762

    Early Intervention, Experts agree that intensive therapy and education for toddlers provides the greatest benefit at the lowest long-term cost for any intervention, but funding for Early Intervention programs has been frozen for 7 years. EI budgets have been frozen for years and professionals who work in Early Intervention haven’t had a raise since 1994! Resulting in staff shortages and waiting lists throughout the state.
    · Most services and programs for the people with autism and the disabled are administered by the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Since Andrew Cuomo became Governor the OPWDD budget has been slashed by more than 30% and he wants to cut a further 2% this year.
    · School districts outside New York City have had to operate with budget caps of 2% since 2012 while the number of students with autism relentlessly increases 10% or more every year. Promised additional aid from the state hasn’t appeared and every year special education budgets get squeezed.
    · The State has stopped creating new housing for adults. The only adults with autism or developmental disabilities placed in housing now are those whose parents either die or cannot provide care for their adult children any longer. Stop the housing moratorium for adults with autism and developmental disabilities
    · Direct care workers now make less than fast food workers. Most of the crucial workers in these frequently tough and demanding jobs are making minimum wage with no benefits. Turn over is high and quality of care suffers. The direct care workers who serve people with autism and other disabilities deserve a living wage.
    Please plan on coming to the Autism Advocacy Day on April 3 in Albany and meet with your legislators on these issues and the many other concerns impacting families affected by autism and developmental disabilities.
    Please share this message with friends and family and please post it to social networks


  4. scarlett1023
    March 22, 2017 @ 12:40 am

    I am just amazed by your posts. You make me understand more about my Lil 11 yr old I help caretaker or prover


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