1. placidplaid
    January 9, 2017 @ 11:22 am

    Isn’t that the truth, those medical forms?! A couple of years ago I worked with a company that makes an app for school nurses. A parent puts in all of the information for each child and then only has to update it every year. No more filling them out again and again and again. I would like to see one universal form for doctors and schools. It’s probably already out there but I’m sure there are hurdles and federal regulations. I might make this my life’s last mission.


  2. Teresa Swanson
    January 10, 2017 @ 10:44 am

    I identify with this so much as I start to feel like I see my son’s providers more then my real friends. Thank you for sharing and putting words to what I feel.


  3. cbspira
    January 18, 2017 @ 3:26 pm

    I thought it was just me.
    I mean, they give you forms to fill out (one memorable office had a new patient packet longer than 25 pages!) and some even request that they be submitted prior to the appointment. And then they don’t even bother reading it and you have to go through the whole list verbally when you meet the professional. And then it’s still wrong in the report because they got it wrong when they took notes (instead of just looking at the form that has all the correct information…)

    But I generally bring a picture of my kid to the appointment, at least there will be something good in the file…


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