1. Missy
    March 18, 2013 @ 9:11 am

    If there were a love button, instead of a “like”, I would press it a million and ninety times. The whole scene played out in my head and made me smile. Thank you for a beautiful start to my Monday.


    • Debbie
      March 18, 2013 @ 9:20 am

      Your posts are so visionary. I can picture the characters for the movie it will become.


  2. Catherine Stover
    March 18, 2013 @ 9:40 am

    Your blog usually hits home with me and my family to a certain degree-today however was quite appropriate as my 15 yr old daughter and mother catholic guilt-ed me into taking my 5 year old non verbal but loud and restless son to mass for the first time- probably the first time in the history of Catholicism a prayer was said to the makers of I-Pad !


  3. Mary DeSenso
    March 18, 2013 @ 10:14 am

    This made me smile. I could visualize the whole thing as if I were sitting behind you and admiring the whole family. Thank you for bringing us closer. xoxo


  4. Paul
    March 18, 2013 @ 11:47 am

    Carrie, This is inspirational and your writing is captivating. I met you at the butcher shop you went to this weekend. ( not self promoting so I will leave the name out) We spoke a great deal about big families. I can relate to the story in many ways. I look forward to reading future posts!


  5. Heather
    March 18, 2013 @ 2:42 pm

    I didn’t hear your kids because I was too busy “shushing” my own! What a fantastic, loving picture you paint, Carrie!


  6. Trish McCafferty
    March 19, 2013 @ 2:55 pm

    Carrie, I love reading your blog. I can relate to this so well being raised in a big Irish Catholic family myself. This one in paticular made me smile! Can’t wait to read your book.


  7. Stefanie
    March 19, 2013 @ 10:18 pm

    I love your family. But could they please make some noise. No one believes there are 5 kids living right next door. Love your blog too. You are warm and fuuny.♡♡♥♥


  8. Joseph Barone
    March 20, 2013 @ 9:46 am

    Again thanks so much for bringing Christ into perspective. Your whole family is God filled and it makes me cry happy tears.


  9. Scott Wilcox
    April 2, 2013 @ 11:13 am

    I have found that it is somehow always a struggle to bring my daughter (28) to church. For all the reasons you mention, except that she is non-verbal so only makes ahhh sounds, but loudly, especially during Communion when she sees a friend serving the congregation! (And the gas attacks which she finds delightful and funny.) I have, however, been told how inspiring she is, and we are together, for just making the effort to attend, given the multiple disabilities, and we are sincerely missed the few times we are absent. I go to get the blessing of being in God’s house and recharge my batteries with the fellowship of fellow believers. I don’t know how much she understands, but she has come to usually be very quiet during the sermons. And bounces along to the music when it moves her. And our presence blesses others. Thank you God.


  10. The Things I Know Because of Autism | Carrie Cariello
    January 26, 2015 @ 11:30 am

    […] child. And somehow, I have to fit him in with the rest of our family and the school and the church and the […]


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